Radiotherapy Simplified: Pre-treatment and Planning.
Hey Everyone, Welcome back to my blog, firstly I'd like to say thank you for always taking the time to read my blog, I appreciate it and words cannot express how grateful I am. So l et's continue with the radiotherapy simplified series shall we? Today let us talk about Computed Tomography (CT), so grab a cuppa and enjoy the post. Pre-treatment chat The patient will receive a list of appointment times which includes their pre-treatment chat, CT scan, first day chat and treatment times. An information session is held before the scan to reconfirm the patient’s consent for the scan and the treatment. The patient will then be directed to change into a hospital gown and lay down on the CT scanner couch/bed. The Scan The planning scan is done to produce an image of the patient so the treatment can be planned, this scan is very different to a normal CT scan because the position the patient will be in throughout the duration of their treatment is the same position...